Pandora Papers... Anything New?

Pandora papers – the largest investigation in journalism history exposed a shadow financial system, which benefits the world's most rich and powerful.

More than 600 journalists in 117 countries have been trawling through the files from 14 sources for months. What is inside this Pandora's box?


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What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

Pandora Papers – the largest investigation in journalism history exposed a shadow financial system, which benefits the world's most rich and powerful, was published by ICIJ on 3 Oct 2021.

More than 600 journalists in 117 countries have been trawling through the files from 14 sources for months. What is inside this Pandora box?

6.4 million documents, 3 million images, more than a million emails and almost half-a-million spreadsheets.
  • the Qatari ruling family who avoided £18.5m tax on a London super-mansion
  • Azerbaijan's leading family's hidden involvement in property deals in the UK worth more than £400m
  • the King of Jordan's £70m spending spree on properties in the UK and US through secretly-owned companies
  • the owners of more than 1,500 UK properties bought using offshore firms, including individuals accused of corruption

In this webinar we will be speaking with industry experts to discuss the followings:

  • How does it differ from the Panama Papers of 2016?
  • Were there any instances of financial crime cases identified?
  • Did any new AML typologies arise?
  • Were there new AML risks identified?
  • Are we expecting any new regulations to curb tax avoidance?
  • The importance of UBO transparency
  • Do we need a reform on compliance framework?


Ray Blake
Writer and Presenter at The Dark Money Files

Paul Coleman
Owner & Director of Coleman on Compliance

Oonagh van den Berg
Managing Director and Founder of Virtual Risk Solutions and CEO & Founder of RAW Compliance