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Crypto Asset Management Training

This training will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and tools necessary for effective management of cryptocurrency assets. Through a structured approach, you will learn to construct and manage portfolios, assess risks, evaluate performance, and navigate taxation and regulatory compliance. By the end of the program, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to confidently manage your cryptocurrency investments and optimize your portfolio for long-term success.

Online Course
Self Paced

Launch Date



6 Hours



What you are going to learn

Course Structure

Part 1: Introduction to Crypto Asset Management
This module serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of managing cryptocurrency assets. Participants will learn about various types of crypto assets, their characteristics, and the role of blockchain technology in asset management. Additionally, they will explore the benefits of effective crypto asset management through case studies highlighting successful strategies in the crypto space.

Part 2: Fundamentals of Portfolio Management
Participants will delve into the principles of portfolio management, focusing on asset allocation strategies and risk management techniques. They will learn to construct portfolios based on investment objectives and time horizons, while also implementing strategies to mitigate risks associated with cryptocurrency investments. The module emphasizes the importance of disciplined portfolio management in achieving long-term investment goals.

Part 3: Investment Strategies and Techniques
This module covers a range of investment strategies tailored to both long-term and short-term approaches. Participants will explore buy-and-hold strategies, dollar-cost averaging, as well as short-term trading techniques such as swing trading and day trading. Additionally, alternative investment vehicles in the cryptocurrency space, such as DeFi products and staking, will be discussed to provide participants with a diversified toolkit for portfolio management.

Part 4: Taxation and Regulatory Compliance
Participants will gain an understanding of the tax implications and regulatory requirements associated with cryptocurrency investments. They will learn to navigate reporting requirements for gains and losses, as well as compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations. The module emphasizes the importance of staying compliant with evolving regulatory frameworks in crypto asset management.

Part 5: Security and Custody
This module focuses on security best practices and custody solutions for safeguarding cryptocurrency assets. Participants will learn strategies to protect against hacks and unauthorized access to wallets, as well as considerations for selecting third-party custody solutions. Emphasis is placed on implementing robust security measures to mitigate risks associated with digital asset management.

Part 6: Case Studies and Practical Examples
Through the analysis of case studies and simulated exercises, participants will apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. They will examine successful crypto asset management strategies, make strategic decisions on portfolio allocation and risk management, and receive feedback on their approaches. This module aims to reinforce learning outcomes and provide practical insights for effective portfolio management.

Part 7: Conclusion and Next Steps
The final module summarizes key learnings from the training program and provides participants with resources for further learning and engagement in the cryptocurrency market. It emphasizes the importance of continued education and staying informed about market developments.